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When I add the condition "if the form passes validation" and tick the column in the list view I'd like required (and validated) it only shows the validation message if I physically click on the column and leave it blank. Is there a way of stopping the user submitting the form if he hasn't completed all the rows in the list view?


On the editable list view where did you add the condition "if the form passes validation"? If you didn't add it on "Save Toolbar Button" please add it there and follow the same validation steps as seen in the attached snaps.

See attached for "validation"
Please configure rules on the save toolbar button the same as the attached "save toolbar button"

The steps above answer the question andgtandgt Is there a way of stopping the user submitting the form if he hasn't completed all the rows in the list view?


The client is happy with using the workaround below:
IF condition to each ForEach loop of my list views to check whether a control doesn't contain a value and then it throws a message and stops the submission if that happens. The form passes validation rule does not seem to work when using it on list views called from a submit button on a Form.

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