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Good morning Marian,

When I tested my nintex workflow (vacation requests) as an admin your previous resolution worked. But as employees are requesting time off the workflow gets stuck in Pending with an error "The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information"... access denied. I checked permissions and the employees have read access to the calendar and contribute access to the request list. It was working before until I made the changes for isAllDayEvent. I have searched online for some guidance but did not find what I need. I did notice others having a similar issue. Can you assist me with this? I appreciate your help in advance.

are you saying that employee could make changes to the calendar (eg. start date, end date) even with read access?

I do not believe...

in order employees could make changes to calendar

- you have to give them edit permission

- or run the update item action (or possibly whole workflow) impersonated. to do so, enclose update item action into 'action set' and configure action to run with workflow owner privileges. make sure though, workflow owner have sufficient privileges on calendar.

The employees can read the calendar and contribute to the request list so they can only request and not make changes to the calendar. Which is the way we want it.

When the employee puts in a Request, it is then approved by the Manager, but instead of moving forward to approved state,  it stays in pending. The error I get is "The workflow could not update the item, possibly because one or more columns for the item require a different type of information"... access denied.

It was working correctly before I removed the All day Event column from the request list and added the isAllDayEvent in the nintex workflow.

now I'm confused...

where do you want to store 'All day event' info? in request list or in calendar?

the other thread we discussed (Created a Vacation Request in SP2010 and used Nintex workflow with a choice of all day event or date/time. if choose dat… ) was about how to set 'All day event' flag for calendar item.

now you say you set it request list....

If there is a workflow running and if you try to update the item, this error could happen. It is not always.

Marian here is my workflow, I hope this will be easier to understand my issue:






Employees use this request list to request time off


If approved by manager, it should add the time requested to the calendar. However right now it stays in Pending State.

Unsure how to correct this


as I've already suggested:

- create a service account

- grant the service account Contribute/Edit privileges on calendar

- add 'Action set' action to workflow in place of create calendar event action. configure it to 'Run as workflow owner'

- move create calendar event action into above added action set

- publish workflow with the service account
