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I was shown how to use Sharepoint list items as a “status” tool for workflows (using the sharepoint list item event to create/update a list with status information).  I’ve been doing that, but now I’m at a point where it doesn’t work for me.  I’m writing a "purchase order" workflow using InfoPath and BlackPearl, and there is a repeating “items” field that lists what the user is ordering.  What I need to do is somehow show the contents of that repeating node in a field in the sharepoint list.  The other fields (requester, need date, delivery location, etc.) are all easy to populate since they are 1-1 (not repeating).


What I have done so far is declare the field in the sharepoint list as Rich Text, then I created a special field in InfoPath that does a concat/eval on the “Items” node, adding a linefeed between each item (using 8859-1 escape codes).  Then I set the K2 sharepoint list event to point to that single field.  This works, as long as the user doesn’t type anything in the ‘items’ fields that would constitute invalid HTML, which is next to impossible to enforce.  I've realized that this is not a good idea, and I'm probably making this more complicated than it really is.


The simplest thing to do is point the k2 sharepoint list event directly to the repeating node, but that just puts every item on the same line without so much as a space between them.  That is not acceptable, since I need to retain the line-by-line formatting for readability.  Any suggestions would be appreciated -- I'm even open to taking a step back and doing the statusing a different way.

Have you tried using a multi-value column in the SharePoint list? You would then concat each item together with a ;# in between. So if your list of items is:

  • cat
  • dog
  • fish

You would set the value of that column to cat;#dog;#fish


Are you able to figure it out this issue? i am also have same issue and looking for some light.


Can you porivide little more details, how to concat the repeating table value in K2 BlackPearl code behined?

