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As I have mentioned in my question above, that when I am using

Nintex Web Service i.e > http://<site>/_vti_bin/NintexWorkflow/Workflow.asmx 

and its function

StartWorkflowOnListItem(Int ItemID, string listName, string workflowName, string associationData);

And my code is like shown below:

ServiceWF.NintexWorkflowWS obj = new ServiceWF.NintexWorkflowWS();
obj.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("userId", "password");
obj.StartWorkflowOnListItem(1245, "listName", "workflow Name", "");

But I get this error and not able to start Nintex workflow by web service.

Server was unable to process request. ---> Cannot find list.
Parameter name: listName
Actual value was *listName*.
Where as *listName* is my actual SharePoint list name, for example: "Actual value was Expense Claim".

I have followed this below Article.

Nintex Workflow Web Service Methods 

Please help me get through it, I have already wasted a lot of time trying to solve this issue.

Thank You

Ryan Duguidjenn kelleyCeline BaldeviaJason SiebertColm O'DonnellAmy GriffinDan StollPatrick FerdigAlex BurtonJoshua Tan

try with list internal name or list GUID

Hi Mohammed,

Looks like you haven't set the web property for the NintexWorkflowWS instance you created.  The first thing that happens in the code is a call to get the SP web object.  After that it searches the web for the list.  Since there's no SP Web for it to search it can't return the list.  Try calling the override for the constructor (See below) and passing it the SP Web with your list on it.

ServiceWF.NintexWorkflowWS obj = new ServiceWF.NintexWorkflowWS(SPWEB);

Or you could set the _web property of obj to the spweb prior to calling the method.
