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If I have standard HTML or ASP Web forms (created using Microsoft FrontPage, MacroMedia DreamWeaver, or other HTML editors), how to I link the fields on the Web form with the K2 data fields? Do you have any examples that show how to do this?

Thank you for your help.

I'm not sure if it's possible, but the following might be useful...

If the Web Forms are ASP.NET forms and have been created as part of a Web Application with, you may be able to add the following references to the project:

  • K2Smartforms (C:Program 2003BinK2SmartForms.dll)
    K2Utilities (C:Program 2003BinK2Utilities.dll)

NOTE: The paths specified assume a default installation of

Once these have been added to your project, you should then be able to write code that will allow you to pick up the Datafields from the process/activity and display them in controls on your forms.

I haven't tried this myself, so I don't know if it'll work...
Thanks for your reply but in this case, we would not be developing under Visual Studio. The page would be developed under a "standard" HTML editor i.e. FrontPage, DreamWeaver, or even NotePad. The page would have standard HTML fields like text boxes, radio buttons, or list boxes. I'd like to know how to call a K2 process and link these fields with the K2 fields defined in the process. I've been told it could be done but have not seen any examples.

We have a large investment in FrontPage and DreamWeaver and would not like to have to do another purchase for Visual Studio just to use K2 .net.
Hi there,
Yes this has been a problem for us also from the beginning. At the end we had to switch to .NET and ASPX.

One solution to your problem would be to use javascript to connect to the
[JScript]public class DataField.

Gabor Barla-Szabo 😃

We have a large investment in FrontPage and DreamWeaver and would not like to have to do another purchase for Visual Studio just to use K2 .net.

It is not required to have Visual Studio.Net to do ASP.Net development. You can still use things like Notepad. The compiler is part of the .Net framework. You would not have the IDE of course so you wouldn't have things like Intellisense, Object Browser, or the debugger all of which make the developer's life easier. But if your developers are already familiar with "Notepad" development, this may not be as much of an issue.
Hi there,
Yes this has been a problem for us also from the beginning. At the end we had to switch to .NET and ASPX.

One solution to your problem would be to use javascript to connect to the
[JScript]public class DataField.

Gabor Barla-Szabo 😃

Could you elaborate a little more on using javascript to connect to the [JScript]public class DataField? Do you have an example?

Thanks for your help

It is not required to have Visual Studio.Net to do ASP.Net development. You can still use things like Notepad. The compiler is part of the .Net framework. You would not have the IDE of course so you wouldn't have things like Intellisense, Object Browser, or the debugger all of which make the developer's life easier. But if your developers are already familiar with "Notepad" development, this may not be as much of an issue.

Thanks for yor reply.

Does this mean that we would just write the same code we would see if we used Visual Studio .net to design the screen? We'll have some non technical people designing the screens so we would just want them to visually design the screens in FrontPage then be able to "easily" link to fields without having to do any hard coding.

Thanks for your help

Could you elaborate a little more on using javascript to connect to the [JScript]public class DataField? Do you have an example?

Thanks for your help


Hi Steve,

Unfortunately I do not have Jscript examples.
I have no idea where you can get simple example workflow writting in various languages.

I agree with you what we need is a simple ASP example with Javascript start process page and an activity finish example at least to be able to start without too much effort. Why is such thing not available on the portal is beyond me.

I don't think the helpfile has enough examples for JScript but I think SP1 has more about JScript than the Pre SP1 helfile.

I would log a call with K2 to give you an example 😢 ... gl sadly we all have to ask separately.

Gabor :lol:

Does this mean that we would just write the same code we would see if we used Visual Studio .net to design the screen? We'll have some non technical people designing the screens so we would just want them to visually design the screens in FrontPage then be able to "easily" link to fields without having to do any hard coding.

Thanks for your help

My team has made concerted efforts to integrate legacy ASP with .Net code, but to no avail. I think you won't have any choice but to use ASPX.

With non-technical people designing the screens trying to do ASP.Net development in Notepad is out of the question. Way more than non-tech people will want to tackle.

I'd suggest getting Visual Studio .Net in this case. It's easy to drag and drop K2 controls onto the ASPX page and link to the XML w/o any coding. Yes, this means having to buy another product, but it will be much easier.
