Please, I need guidance on how to get the data in specific columns (say columns 5, 12 and 18) in a csv file. I get the error message "Error operating on collection variable. Index property is greater than the number of items in the collection." with my current workflow. All my collection operations reference the same collection variable.
My workflow is designed as follows:
- a web request that reads a csv file and stores the data in a text variable (txtA)
- a regular expression action that splits txtA (using
) and stores the result in a collection variable (colA)
- a For Each action that loops through colA and stores the result in a text variable (txtB)
- a regular expression that splits txtB (using ,) and stores the result in a collection variable (colB)
- 3 collection operation actions that use a Get action on colB and stores the result in 3 text variables (txtC, txtD and txtE), using index variables that I created with the default values referencing the number of the required columns.
I will appreciate any help I can get to resolve this issue.