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Hello all,


If the content type is changed trough a workflow, that item cannot be edited anymore. when saving it gives me an unknown error.


Has anyoned encountered this issue?


Thank you

Hello Nidish,

I have created an Item content type which allows the user to first fill in some data, and is able to see just some fields.

Then the workflow updates some fields based on the data provided by the user. Then the workflow updates the Content Type with the name of  a new content type, so that the user will only see other fields that need to be filled in.

and in this case when the Content Type is changed. after filling in and saving, the error page comes up(If I allow management of content type) or the message Unknown Error-wriiten in red, bellow the form- appears (If i don't allow management of Content Type). And it does not save the data that was filled in.

If i do not change the Content Type trough the workflow and I allow management of Content types, then it works perfectly and it saves the form.

Thank you,

Hello Adriana,

    So if you changed the content type through the UI while  allow management of Content Type is  ticked ....then you dont get any error ..right?

I would like to replicate it on my end, would you please let us know the minimal steps to replicate the issue in Nintex workflow?



