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Is it possible to use a custom view on a form in the workflow state that includes Approve/Reject buttons to action tasks, instead of using a dropdown?


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Yes, using custom/alternate views for workflow states on a form is possible. A good example exists in our Expense Claim Approval tutorial:|Expense%20Claim%20Application|_____0

Starting in Part 3: Forms > Step 13, the tutorial creates a custom view that will surface on the workflow state that provide alternate controls for actioning worklist tasks.

Then, in Part 4: Worflow > Steps 21 and 22, the forms are modified to add the view created previously to the workflow state, then creating rules that action the worklist tasks.

In best practice, a separate view can be created for use in actioning workflow tasks. Create a view with "Approve" and "Reject" button controls, with no rules configured. This view can then be used on multiple forms, with the rules to action workflow tasks set up at the form level.

Note that this will only be viable if the number of actions the workflow tasks have are static. If the view will be used to action multiple/varying user tasks with a different number of actions, using radio buttons (as demonstrated in the Expense Claim Approval tutorial) will be a better approach, as the radio button options can be configured with a single rule to populate all the user task options, regardless of count.

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