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I did a pre lim search for this and couldn't find anything so I thought I'd post the question.

I'm doing research on converting a legacy application into K2 SharePoint and need some advice on whether or not this is possible.

Current Steps:

Currently users use a handheld scanner with a barcode to populate an excel file capturing attendance records for multiple days of sessions.  When the user scans the barcode the excel file populates first name / last name using a vlookup tied to the barcode #.

Day 1 - Session ID 1     Employee - 1234 
Day 2 - Session ID 2     Employee - 1234 

After the session attendance is taken the Excel File is import into SQL where a view provides attendance records for the employee for all sessions they attended.

Funcationality I'm looking to accomplish:

Using multiple SP Lists with the Employee Information and Session Information to tie together when users use a scanner to populate a K2 Control for that Session Day.

Biggest Question - is there a way to use a scanner to populate K2 controls?

Hope that made sense.


Hi Angela,


If its a dedicated scanner ie not an camera / barcode app. Then it should capture into a textbox on a view / form.  You can then use the on change event to lookup data from one or multiple smartobjects.  Works great!




