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All users receiving the following pop up when they accessing forms for the first time:

?We must create a token on behalf ? click here. Once the token is successfully created, click OK to refresh this page?

As this pop up is not localized majority of user base not sure how to react what to do with it - they need this pop up translated into local language.


The behavior that you are seeing is by design due to the token having to be created for the active users session. Unfortunately this means that there is not an out of the box method of allowing the token to be created on the clients behalf in the background, the clients will have to create the token via the popup in order to proceed to the form.

To avoid confusion caused by non-localized message you can translate it using the following steps:

create a copy of the following resource files:

C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms DesignerApp_GlobalresourcesExceptionHandler.resx
C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms RuntimeApp_GlobalresourcesExceptionHandler.resx

And copy them to the following directories respectively:

C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms DesignerApp_Globalresources
C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlK2 smartforms RuntimeApp_Globalresources

**Assuming you want the Russian (ru) language**

You will then need to edit both ? files and replace the English text in the ?Value? field with the Russian equivalent. Be sure to keep the placeholder ?{0}? in the translation.


Educate your users instructing them clicking OK in this prompt and localize this message text as described above if necessary.

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