Error Message when using Windows STS Authentication.
An error occurred trying to authenticate the user.
Logon Failure: unknown user name or bad password
Error Message when using Windows STS Authentication.
An error occurred trying to authenticate the user.
Logon Failure: unknown user name or bad password
After looking through the K2 AdumError Logs we could see we got the following error from Users in the other domain tying to authenticate using Windows STS, 'Error", "GetUser:", "Resolving ForeignSecurityPrincipal'
After a discussion with one of our Labs Engineers he advised the following:
Navigate to Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlWebServicesIdentityStsWindows and open the 'web.config' and under the heading "<appSettings>" add the following '' and save the 'web.config' file.
Reason for failed authentication:
When the User navigates to the SmartForm Runtime or Designer page and selects Windows STS they will not be authenticated.
The reason why the authentication fails is that the app pool account tries to get the Users Group membership to build the claim but does not have permission to an object or OU that the User is a member of so the claim fails and that's why you get the authentication error.