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When accessing the K2 app through a SPO365 site, users from one domain (DOMAIN1) are getting the below error users from the domain (DOMAIN2), are working fine. Both are configured in K2 server -> User Managers -> K2 .


“The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.Failed to initialize the Context: URL: Method: SharePointService.initializeContext x-ms-diagnostics : 3001000reason="There has been an error authenticating the request."category="invalid_client" SPRequestGuid : 50c8039d-a0d7-0000-007b-86c4fef5cbda






Based on the ULS logs it looks like the user cannot be resolved due the following error when searching the User Profile Service:


05/14/2015 12:32:59.58 serverXX-001:w3wp.exe (0x3748) 0x4E74 SharePoint Portal Server User Profiles ae0sx Unexpected Error trying to search in the UPA. The exception message is 'Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.DuplicateEntryException: GetUserProfileByPropertyValue: Multiple User Profiles found with propertyName 'SPS-UserPrincipalName' of specified value at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager.GetUserProfileByPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object propertyVal) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Security.UserProfileIdentityClaimMapper.GetUserProfileByPropertyOrThrow(UserProfileManager upManager, String propertyName, Object propertyValue) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Security.UserProfileIdentityClaimMapper.GetSingleUserProfileFromClaimsList(UserProfileManager upManager, IEnumerable`1 identityClaims)' 7361069d-e0c2-0000-0080-28c1d816ce3e




The issue was solved by correcting the issue with duplicate user profiles.

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