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I use the runtime function userProfile lookup in an calculated field.

The Nintex Forms Version is

Running on an SharePoint 2013 Enterprise

The Formular is Tagetik

userProfileLookup('DOMAINusername', 'Department')

The formular always returns #Value!

I've already tried to write domain or upp-name in "" or ''

Also I tried different Upp-Names, based on the list provided by Nintex. Nothing changes.

There is defnitly data in the user profile properties.

Any ideas what could cause that problem?

Thanks happy.png

According to the documentation it should be:


Are you sure you're formatting the domainlogin correctly?


Thanks for your post. I rechecked it and i use exactly the following call userProfileLookup("xxxuser", "WorkEmail").

Any other suggestions?


Hi, could you try to insert username in the following format "domain\username" (with the double slash)?


I already tried, but it didn't work.

I opened a Support ticket and will let you know the solution as soon as the Problem is solved.


How about you try the following
1)    For the calculated field, put the formula as “Current User” in order to get the logged in user account.
2)    If the returned value (which I expect will be the case ) is in this format      i:0#.w|nintextestXYZUser
3)    Then you need to replace this string first i:0#.w|       this is the Claims token prefix.
4)    You can check this article for the regular expression to remove the leading Claims token prefix.
5)    In this case you will get the account name as nintextestXYZUser and the formula should work after that.

Hi @jackgelo, this proves to be the solution if I insert the username manually. However it doesn't work if I reference a form control. The formula used is something like this: userProfileLookup("domain\{username_control}","PreferredName"). Do you have any suggestions for me or is this not possible?

Hi Yvette,

in that case I think that referencing just the username (something like userProfileLookup({username_control},"PreferredName")) should be enough..


I'm not sure what you mean? It's not a SharePoint-person control so the format "domain//login" is needed.

Could it be that the userProfileLookup function is not being executed in runtime but upon loading the form? Therefor, input to the control at a later stage can't be used?
