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Hi All,

I have 5 users say User A ,B , C, D ,E.  I am using SQLUM instead of AD.

I exported a process. Then from Service Manager, I gave user permissions as View all, Participate All , Start All, Finish Server Event All , View Participate All.

Now if I add another user F in SQLUM, then will that user also get the same permissions which all the 5 users have got? i.e., F will have view , start , admin , view participate and finish server event permissions also 


Do I need to give F permissions through Service Manager as I gave to A...E.

Pls reply ASAP.

Thanks in Advance

 Hi sourcecode

You need to give F permissions through Service Manager as you gave to the others.

Hi melhem,

Thanks a lot for replying.

Is there any other alternative like coding somewhere in Studio or rather without using Service manager can I do it?

You can use the K2MNG (Add reference to K2MNG.dll in your project located by default in C:Program 2003Bin) 

The Management Object Model (SourceCode.K2MNG) provides an administrative
interface to the Server. The ability to assign process permissions
(Start, View, etc), to view the status of running instances, and to view errors
associated with process instances,....

The Service Manager for instance, is an application that makes use
of the K2MNG API.

Best Regards 

Hi melhem,

Thanks a lot for replying.

Could U please elaborate on The Management Object Model?

Thanks and Regards.

For more information you can refer to the following link :


Hi melhem,

Thanks a lot for replying.

I will go thru it.


Best Regards..

Hi All,

 Can anyone pls explain

1>the diffrence between the Admin user permission and Admin permission in Manage Security option in Service Manager.

2>the difference between View and View participant User permisssion.

3>the concept of finishing a server event.

 Pls reply ASAP.

Thanks and Regards.


A User with Admin Permissions on a Process can automatically Start and
View a Process without given those
Permissions explicitly
. The User will not
automatically receive K2
Admin rights
, so he will not be able to administer the Process with
2003 Service Manager. If you want an Administrator of a specific Process to
administer the process with Service Manager, you must add him as a user under
the Security section.



This Permission gives a user the right to start a new Instance of a
Process. If a user does not have this right and attempts to open the Web form
that starts the Process, he will receive a “User does not have permissions to
start the process” error message.



A User with View Permissions on a Process will be able to view All
Process Instances of a Process. He has the right to draw any Report available
in the 2003 Workspace. The user does not have to be a Destination
User on a Process Instance in order to view the Process Instance.


Participant Permission.

Of all the Permissions, this is probably the least understood
Permission. It basically gives a user who becomes a Destination User, the right
to View the Process Instance. You must note that, the user will only be able to
view the Process Instance once the Instance has reached the Activity at
which the user has been defined as a Destination User
. The user will not be
able to view the process until it reaches that specific Activity. The user will
be able to view the Process Instance for all subsequent Activities, even if he
is not a Destination User for those Activities.

The Originator of a Process
Instance is also seen as a Participant and will thus have the View Permission
from the Start of the Process Instance.

Server Event

A Server Event can be an Asynchronous Server Event which will wait for a callback from an
External System to Finish the Server Event. The User-ID used by the External
System which must finish the Server Event must have the Server Event Permission.
The BizTalk Event Adapter is also dependant on this setting for
completing a BizTalk Orchestration Event which has been configured with the
File Drop, MSMQ/MSMQT or HTTP protocols.



No Permissions

If a user has not been given any Permission on a Process, he will not be
able to view any Process Instance. He will also not be able to Start a Process
Instance. He will however, be able to access a Worklist item that has
been placed on his Worklist. This means that you do not have to give all
Destination Users explicit Permissions before they can act on Work items.

Hi melhem,

That was a ripper.

I would like to add here that , If I give Admin User Permission  to a user, then he will be able to start and view the proces but he cannot access the Server using the Login() of K2Mng namespace. But the user who has been added in Security option can do so.

ALSO, what do U mean by referring to administer the process using Service Manger ?

Please reply ASAP.

Thanks and Regards.
