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User performance charts controls don't render data correctly when using a folder for the workflow in the Project file.


This seems to be a bug with the Runtime performance of these controls. To reproduce the behavior:

1. Create a new empty Project in K2 Studio called ReportTest
2. Add a folder in the new project, called Workflow
3. In the new folder, create a new Workflow called WF1.
4. Add a client event to the workflow, assign it to a couple of users. Complete the workflow and deploy.
5. Create a new View and add 3 controls on it:
a. Workflow Instances Grid
b. Activity Instances Grid
c. User Performance Chart
6. Configure the WF instances chart to load data from this new process.
7. When clicked, the WF instances chart calls the Act Inst Grid's Run Chart method, passing in the process instance ID
8. When the Act Inst Grid is clicked, pass the Full Activity Name to the User Performance Chart
9. This will not render the correct information. Changing it to the fullname of an activity where the process doesn't lie in a folder works OK.



The issue was reproducible and the following TFS item was created for the behavior:

Bug 543498: K2SF UserPerformance Runtime: User performance charts controls don't render data correctly when using a folder for the workflow.

Please contact K2 Support if you are experiencing this behavior so that your item may be logged against the relevant bug. The only workaround at this point is to not store your workflow within a folder inside the Project file.

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