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Hello all,


I'm working on a simple vacation request workflow. Basically, an employee request a vacation period and his manager approve or refuse.


The manager has the option to do this by replying "approve" or "refuse" to the email sent by the workflow (smart action) or by following a link to a smart form.


Everything works fine when the employee and the manager are on the same active directory domain but if they are on different domains, then only the smart actions are working.


If the manager click on the link to the smart form, he gets the following error: 24411 K2:DOMAINuser from <IP address> is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=1286_36


I imagine that K2 is expecting the employee and his manager to be on the same domain and does not allow him to open the worklist if they are not.


Anyone has any idea how to fix this?


Thank you



It sounds like all you need to do is register the domain the manager is using to Blackpearl (assuming you are on service pack 1 or higher).

If you follow that link it will walk you through the nitty gritty of doing just that.

Hope this helped,




Thank you for your response but it has already been done and it still not working. I double checked against the document you gave me and everything seems to be in order.

I know that the two domains are not on the same version, could it be the problem?





This is the detail for the error the user gets when trying to access the worklist from the link in the email.




24411 K2:<DOMAINuser> from <IP Address> is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=1236_38


  • Type:


  • Source:


  • Method Base
    • Member Type:


    • Name:


    • Module
      • Scope Name:


    • Declaring Type
      • Full Name:


  • Stack Trace:

at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.Call(ArchiveX ar, MessageType msgtype)

at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.OpenWorklistItem(String SerialNumber, String Platform, Boolean Alloc, Boolean IgnoreStatus, String ManagedUser)

at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.GetWorkListItem(Connection workflowConnection, String serialNumber, String sharedUser, String managedUser)

at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.ActionProcess(String processXml, String sharedUser, String managedUser)

at SourceCode.Forms.Runtime.AJAXCall.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)


A 24411 usually means the worklist item has already been completed.  The user isn't trying to submit the form after replying to the email is he?

Any one find a solution to this problem? I have the same problem and Nope, we didn't reply to the email before submitting the form. A little more information about our workflow. We are using K2 roles. I am in the role along with 2 others. I was the first to open the worklist item from the email and I got an identicle error as in this post when I tred to submit.. Another person in the same role opened the request and was able to approve it without getting the error. And we are on the latest version of BP. And we are in the same domain.

Hello jaswerl,


If you destination set is currently using PJO, this is expected behavior and is likely just related to timing.  Usually this will be the case:


1.  Task is assigned to the role; both users will have a worklist item with status "Available"


2.  UserA opens the task first, UserA's worklist item will change to "Open"; while UserB's will change to "Allocated"


3.  UserB clicks on the link to try and open the task item, but because the worklist item is now assigned to "UserA"; userB will see the error:


24411 K2:DOMAINuser from <IP address> is not allowed to open the worklist item with SN=1286_36


4.  In order for UserB to open this worklist item, UserA with status "Open" will need to perform a "Release" from his worklist; or a K2 administrator will need to perform a "Release" on the "Open" worklist item from the Management Worklist; when doing so, both worklist item status of UserA and UserB will return to "Available"


5.   UserB can now open the worklist item, as it is currently "Available"


Perhaps the white paper below can provide more details:
