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I'm evaluating K2 Blackpearl and are following some tutorials...

My problem is -

On the K2 Workspace, Security tab, Workspace permissions, when giving users permissions to items such as Report Designer for example, the Search for Users, Groups or Roles dialog yields a complete list of users in AD.  However, within the Visual Studio designer, Mail Event wizard, the user list is incomplete.

On the K2 workspace, Management console, under User Managers, Settings, there is an option to limit the number of users returned in the list.  This is set to No Limit.

I am suspecting that within Visual Studio, the Mail Event wizard is restricting the number being returned...but where is this option set?

Any help would be much appreciated.





By default, the User Browser in Visual Studio limits the number of users/groups to 100, for performance reasons. The fastest way to find the user you are looking for would be to right-click on the Users node and use the Search option.

Did you restart the K2 Host Server service just to make sure that it picks up the new setting?

 Other than that, it should work.

The other alternative is to right click on the Users node (in the K2 Object Brower in Visual Studio) and search for the specific user you want.

Thanks Dc, Johnny,

Right-clicking the Users and searching gave me what I needed.

I just naturally expand when I see a + on I know there's a right-click option as well.



Considering some organizations might have hundreds of thousands of AD users, you might not want to wait that long for the dialog to populate!
