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User gets error 26030 Worklist item serialNumer] not found for K2: domain]]user] at ipAddress]::port]


Some user on certain smarform gets the following error:

26030 Worklist item mserialNumer] not found for K2: :domain]nuser] at tipAddress]:]port]

at the same time other tickets work fine for them. It is inconsistent.



This behavior that you are seeing is due to how the destination rules and outcomes are configured and can occur if one user had opened the task but did not action it the task will be assigned to that user with the status 'Open' while other users will have the 'Allocated' status. Either the user or a K2 administrator will need to release the task this is also dependent on how the destination set is configured.

How the destination rules and outcomes are configured can result in different behavior for different business requirements. As this is a design choice, if you would like assistance in making this configuration to fit your business requirement, I will have to direct you to the K2 Remote Services team. Please indicated if you wish to route this ticket to that team.

Below are some documentation regarding destination rules:

Alternatively, if you would like to customize this message so that it better reflect the behavior, you can do so by editing the "HostServerLogging.config" file located at "C:Program Files(x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin" and searching for the "26030" ID. And perhaps adding some additional detail to this message such as "This item has been allocated to a different user. Please contact this user or a K2 administrator to release this task." Please make a backup of this file before making any changes and a K2 blackpearl service restart is necessary.

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