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User details are getting resolved in Identity table


We are seeing issue of users details not getting resolved in Identity table because of which user are getting error in accessing the SmartForms as we are using the eName] from Current User system values.

when we checked the log in the K2 server we are seeing the below log for a user,

"26295396","2016-09-28 04:46:32","Error","IdentityService","64007","IdentityServiceError","IdentityService.ProviderCacheIdentity:RoleProvider.GetUser","64007 Provider did not return a result for K2:theDOMAINX-XXX on GetUser","anonymous","","XXXX:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","11645733","8f493e8546d74d06b5ea7e7b084de0b2",""

There are more than one user affected because of this. Can you please help us resolving this issue as it is affecting lot of users and they are not able to access the application.


Issue was users with cn without closed parenthesis were not being resolved. Issue was alleviated via coldfix.

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