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If the connected user is member of a group containing the letter NUL (in upper case) in his name (like "Group NULLABLE test") he is unable to start a process instance.




Error message:




K2:DOMAINUser from does not have rights to Start Process Project_NameProcess_Name




In the ADUM logs it is possible to see the following error:




"Error", "GetUser:MemberOf", "Failed to translate name: DOMAING NUL", " at SourceCode.Security.ADManager.Secur32.TranslateNam​eToDN(String name, List`1 domains)


 at SourceCode.Security.ADManager.K2UserManager2.Resol​veNestedGroups(String name, ArrayListand parentGroupCollection)


at ADUM.K2UserManager2.GetUser(String Name)", "Additional Information: ", "MemberOf Resolve(DOMAING NUL)"






This is known issue (internal ID 669864) where user unable to start process instance when he is member of a group which contains NUL in its name. This issue seems to be linked to TranslateName in Secur32.dll, called by SourceCode.Security.ADManager.dll: function TranslateNameToDN.








As a workaround you have to rename group which contains uppercase "NUL" so that it does not contain this sequence of symbols in uppercase, e.g. if your group is named "Group NULLABLE test" you can rename it to "Group Nullable test"



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