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 Please i would like to ask for some work around , i am trying to use the k2 sever time in my smartforms to configure a time restriction rule , apparently i used the sytem time available in the system vlaues to configure the rule, but if any user chnages the thier system time zone my restriction rule wont work any longer,


kinldy advice





If I am not wrong, there is currently no way to get the K2 server's time and use it in your rules. You will have to make do with the Time in System Values. 


Alternatively, you can write a simple stored procedure just to get the SQL server's time. Then create a SmartObject from that stored procedure and you can call it in your forms and use the value in your conditions. While this method will increase the number of connection requests made to your SQL server, I think it should not have too much of an impact. Just getting the time should be a  pretty low resource operation.
