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A Service Broker that can download a File from a URL.

This broker can do the following:

  • Download a file from a URL and rename the file in the process
  • Get File Header Info
  • (Beta) List Links available on a Page by URL.

Note: This Service Broker can be used in conjunction with the following article as an alternative way to Export SSRS reports:


do you have such a thing or want such a thing?

Hmmm. It seems when I posted this, the community somehow lost my upload. I've uploaded it again.


This is an amazing feature. I'm using it with SSRS so the user can download reports via a dynamic link and custom file name. Work great! Well done.

This is not working for us. we are getting error as below. 


'=' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';'. Line 1, position 37
