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One of our SmartForms loads terribly slowly. It is caused by a specific control in the view that uses GetDocuments method on a SharePoint document library. This method is slow on the SmartObject tester as well. I'm trying to replace this method with GetDocumentsMetadata, and this method is fast and returns results on the SmartObject tester. However, using this method on the view throws an error:

"Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, Position 1". It throws the same error on a new view, and connecting to a different library on a different site as well.

If this method works instead of GetDocuments, the form will load significantly faster. Need URGENT help on this, users are in the middle of testing before go-live.


The issue was reproducible. A coldfix was created and the ticket linked to it.


A coldfix was applied and the smartobjects remapped. After this everything was working using the Get Documents Metadata which allowed the user to upload bigger documents.

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