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I have deployed worfklow to production environment using K2 package and deployment utility, it has smartforms, workflow,view smartobject etc.

I devloped workflow using K2 Studio.

When I tested it, it starts the workflow send email to user to take appropriate action, which includes default K2 template for email and uses default worklistitemlink from worklistiteminstance of contextbrowser. However when user clicks on link to open form, it puts wrong url. 


I want to know whcih variable in workspace I need to make change to so that it points to right url.


My server name is abcprd01, correct forms url is The correct url is -

The url which goes in the email is http://abcprd01:82/runtime/runtime/form/formname/


Also  when I deployed workflow using K2 studio I changed enviornment to production from development. Will K2 package and deployment utility understand that whicle creating a package?







Open the K2 management workspace on your production server and under the worflow server find the process that you have deployed. Select the String Table node and check all of the variables - specifically for the smartforms runtime. Also check the Environment Library variables (look at the "Development" libarary). Update any as necessary.


It may be the case that when you used package and deploy some of the variables in the production environmnent were overwritten with values from your dev server. Check the "Production" environment library variables on the dev server to ensure they are pointing to your prod environment.
