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Upload Document when Checked-out


We are using "Upload Document" Smart Object method from one of the document libraries in workflow. If the document is Checked-out before uploading a new version of the document, we are getting following error: "Message: Document is already checked out"

If we set the option "Continue if the document is Checked Out" to "Yes" then workflow is skipping the current step and proceeding further.
If we set that option to "No" then we are getting same error message. Can you please let us know



You cannot upload new version if the document is checked out. You will also be able to reproduce similar with no K2 in the picture.

make the process like the following:
Check in Wizard > Upload document method > Check out document.

this will create 2 new versions in the version history.

1 – when the Check document in Wizard is run
2 – new file uploaded

If you want less versions, the first step should be a discard checkout. But depending on your scenario, you might log changes to the doc as the checkout is discarded (Expected) the alternative is the extra version but changes will be saved.

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