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I am upgrading a 2003 SP1A environment (on VMWare ESX 3.01) which consists of:

  • a W2K3 web server with a .NET 1.1 web application with reference dependencies on K2CSC.dll, K2Mng.dll and K2ROM.dll
  • a W2K3 server with 2003 SP1A

The environment was originally intended to use Windows NLB (2 web and 2 K2 servers) but issues with configuring this resulted in only one server of each type being enlisted in load balancing.

I installed SP4 on the K2 server and replaced all referenced DLLs on the web server with the new versions.


One workflow refuses to move from the running state. A debug trace seems to indicate that the individual activities for the first workflow item, which links with Active Directory to determine the users to which to allocate the process, are being completed but then the GenericUnknownEvent occurs. The last two entries in the trace are:

"ProcessInstance::ExecDestRule","5170 Executed Proc:CCU(596), Item:Allocate Case.DestRule, Status:Completed"

"GenericUnknownEvent","K2Worker::RunLoadedProcess","7000 Remoting cannot find field m_Type on type SourceCode.KO.Destination."


  1. What is the best/recommended method for upgrading distributed environments that have applications with K2 component dependencies?
  2. Any suggestions on the likely cause of the error?



Hi fillem,

Have you tried running Server in console mode?  Does this happen when you've actually done something from the web application's side or does it happen on startup of Server?

Does it happen with a specific process instance only or all instances of a specific definition?



Please realize that SP4 loves to default the previous .NET Framework (typically 1.1 for Sp1a) to the newest version installed on the machine (typically 2.0).

Please ensure that the K2 Server is using .Net 2.0 and ALL K2 Studio clients are using 1.1 as well.

The .Net Framework inconsistencies after upgrades to SP4 (the first 2003 version supporting .Net Framework 2.0) often lead to K2 server performance/instability issues.

Please search the K2 KnowledgeBase for articles on changing the .Net Framework used b K2 Server and K2 Studio.


.Net 2 is not installed on the servers so I believe this precludes this being the issue.

Hi Ockert

I ran in console mode before I set it to write everything to the trace log (which basically contains the output from the console).

The process is kicked off by the web application.

All instances of a specific process (allocate) are affected but other processes are fine.

I had noticed some minor config issues that existed prior to installing the patch and have rolled the environment back so that I can fix these before I re-apply the patch.

Are there any 'breaking changes' in moving from SP1A to SP4 - i.e. any coding practices that would work under SP1A but not SP4?

Hi fillem,

Not that I am aware of no - as long as you stick to the Best Practices KB article, you should be good to go.



PS.  I'm not convinced that the process being started and the process throwing the error is the same one.  What does the code behind the first event in 'Allocate' look like?

Just an update:

This issue is still unresolved. Upgrading to SP2a, however, did not cause the same problem. Since this allows W2K3 to be patched I am going with this for the time being. Once everything else has been patched and brought up to date I shall revisit upgrading to SP4 (possibly having W2K3 SP2 will fix the issue).

 Thanks to all who responded.

I would be very interested to get an update to this once you get to SP4. Let us know
