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Customer has been trying to upgrade their environment from 4.5 1370 to 4.6.8 via 4.5 1420 upgrade.
He has stumbled across db identity table update error.

This is the second approach to the upgrade in the staging environment that failed after a successful upgrade in the dev environment. This db is a restoration from production environment.


The following error was found in the install log when upgrading from 1420 to 4.6.8:
“SqlException.Number != -2, so not handling it as a timeout. SqlException.Number = 1505. Exception: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'Identity.Identity' and the index name 'UX_Label_Name_Type'. The duplicate key value is (iLabel], lName], 1)”

Reviewing customer database, we found that there is one duplicate record in Identity.Identity table that has same name, fqn, and label for these records.


Updating the FQN and Name for the row with that name that has status “disabled” to have “_1” at the end.
After that customer was able to upgrade K2 blackpearl successfully.

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