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HI all,


Ive got a query about changing field values in a list view. Here is the senerio.


I have a drop down list outside f the list view called Office. I then have a list view with various fields Name, Office, Address etc. When I change the Office dropdown list in the item view I want all existing Offices in the list view to be changed to this value. Her's my attempt at drawing the form.



Item View contains

Office Drop Down list:



List view contains

Name |  Office | Address | Telephone | Mobile Phone | Country | City

Name |  Office | Address | Telephone | Mobile Phone | Country | City

Name |  Office | Address | Telephone | Mobile Phone | Country | City

Name |  Office | Address | Telephone | Mobile Phone | Country | City

Name |  Office | Address | Telephone | Mobile Phone | Country | City



So lets say there are 5 records in the list view. Lets say that the office name is different for each record.

When I select an Office from the Office Drop Down list in the item view is it possile to transfer that value to the office fields of all 5 record.

Thi for me seems like a basic functinality, but have not been able to implement this.


Thanks in advance.

I have a few questions about the use case here in order to determine what you are trying to accomplish.


With regard to the item view, is there any filtering logic based on the entry there and what is displayed in the list view?


I'm assuming there is only one smartobject involved here, which is a database containing:

     Name |  Office | Address | Telephone | Mobile Phone | Country | City


If this form updates all entries in the list to the current value of Office, and the list is not filtered based on any other criteria, I believe the situation we will end up with after one iteration of the form is the entire database having the same value for office, or are these changes simply to occour in the list view and not be committed back to the database?


Thanks for the clarification,



Thanks for your reply. There is no filtering logic to what is displayed in the list view.


So this is the start of the form where no thing is saved to the database yet. Everything is on the form itself.

When the users submits the form, it will then be saved to te database.

I do not want to write to the database until its submitted just incase the user decides to close the form and i'm left with orphan records in the database.
