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How do you get a handle to the document currently in the workflow?

According to SharePoint Monthly Expense Claim Tutorial, Step 9: Update Document Properties, you should be able to browse through this hierarchy:

--the process name ("Expense Claim" in the tutorial)

But, in my Context Browser, I see this

XML Fields
  --the process name ("Marketing Approval" in my case)

I figured the most likely candidate was the "Name" attribute (2nd from last above).  When I drag this to the File Name field, it calls it WFIProcessField_Name, which makese sense.  But when I run the workflow, it generates an error:  "An error occurred while parsing EntityName.  Line 1, position 294."

 Any ideas which attribute I should be using?


Yes, I beleive you are correct.  It looks like you are using the Process Wizzard for sharepoint in this case?
turns out this error was related to the fact that the library I was attempting to move the document to had an ampersand (&).
