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Hi All,

We have modified the workflow and deployed it in the K2 server (with new version) successfully. But when we tried to launch the workflow (Creating Process Instance), it is always triggering the old version of workflow Process Instance.

Whatever modification we are doing in the workflow it is not reflecting.

Can anyone please help us to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.


 -Balaji. S

Hi Balaji

How can you tell its the old version that is kicked off and not the new one?  What were the modifications made to that hasn't been updated.  Is it a missing new activity or changes to a data event.  That might give us a better indication of your issue.

Also double check that the process is being exported in the k2 workspace by looking at the time stamp under Version Date.

Hi Tim,

 Thanks for your comeback.

 I added one new DataField. And I am trying to initialize the
value through API code when launching the workflow. But when I debug the code,
I am getting the error at the line where I am initializing the new DataField.

I also checked in my Workspace the time stamp is updating
after workflow deployment.


-Balaji. S

Okay.  When looking at the Process Overview report in the K2 Workspace do you see the datafield created for the lastest instance where its not working? 

If its there then I would take a closer look at the code calling the workflow.
