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Hi all,

would like to know if there is a way to update the Workspace automatically so that the worklist is always up to date without clicking the refresh butto. Is it just a setting in the IE.

Thx in advance.
No, unfortunately, it's not just an IE setting.

I know certain clients use custom code in the window_onload event of each Client page to refresh the worklist and then redirect to .../k2v3/workspace/worklist/itemclosed.aspx after the Client Page is submitted to show a blank item - This will only work with internally-opened worklist items though. I have unfortunately not got any code that I can share with you but maybe someone else will upload some code for you.

If your users open their worklist items externally though, I'm not sure how you'll refresh the worklist.

Hi Ockert,

as you may be already know I am using Infopath forms so I guess that opening an Infopath form form the Workspace it opens always externally, right ? So I guess I won't have any chance to refresh my Worklist automatically. Ok so all my users have to get used to refresh the worklist themselves ervery once in a while even if that is not the best solution. Before we were working wiht Outlook Templates and the Outlook inbox of course updates automatically.

If there is someone out there with any idea please help.

Thx anyway
Worklist has an Auto Refresh option available where you can set a refresh interval in seconds. By default it is not enabled, so no refresh is done after a standard install.

To set the refresh interval, you can just click on the hammer icon top left of Worklist. A modal window will open and allow you to specify the refresh interval (among other settings). This setting is stored on a per user basis, so each user will have to manually configure this.

Just a point on the side, if the users refresh their Worklist very often (lets say every 2 seconds) it will influence the performance of your application. Try to set it to a reasonable interval.
Cool thx.

Also found it now after reading the Workspace Document from the student material again.
The minimum it will allow you to refresh is 10 seconds, but even that is not a good solution for externally opened application.

For Windows application you could probably do this (untested for K2):

Private Sub RefreshIEWorklist()
Dim IEs As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
Dim MyIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

For Each MyIE In IEs
If MyIE.LocationName = "Workspace"Then
'Delay 1.4 second to allow Workflow to catch up processing with refreshed worklist
MyIE.Navigate("http://" & WebServer & "/K2V3/Workspace/Worklist.aspx")
Exit For
End If
Next MyIE
End Sub

In the Web Application you can call this prior to close the external web app.
Window.Opener.Parent.Location = "/K2V3/Workspace/Worklist.aspx"
