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Hi Mate,


Is there a way to update existing SmartObjects being used in a SmartForm or do you have to create new ones or redo your form?


below approached used by me to update SO


1. Update the Service instance.Once service instance get updated i can see the changes done by me.Then i have to click on Create Smartobject to update the exisitng SO. is there any other approched we can used to update SO??


2. How we can update the SO associated with Smartforms?  



Yes you are able to modify smartobjects.

After you have refershed your service instance use the K2 Designer to edit the particular smartobject which should be modified.

Go to the methods and double click the method you want to change.

Your new properties or the changes to the current ones will be there.

From there you can create new properties or assign the new properties to existing SmartObject properties.


Once you save the SmartObject the new properties will immediately be available to the smartforms and views.


Hope this helps!





Thanks for you reply.

 I have  created Smartobject using Store procedure. My SP takes 4 parametrer now i have to pass 2 more parameter to my SP. I have updated the Store procedure and refresh the SQL instance.

Once I  had updated the SQL instance i can able to see the new changes in service instance. 

When i click SO in edit mode in K2 designer i am not able to see anything.

Can you please help me?



I would suggest starting with the following topic as it explains how to interact with an advanced SmartObject which is your case:


You parameters will show up when you double click the method you have changed.


Hope this helps!




Thanks for your reply, I will check and get back to you if i need any further help.


I had another question


I have created List view using SO. while created SO i had manually  selected the column which I need to get display on Smartfroms.

 Now my requirement is that I want to Listitems should read the smartobject and display it on Smart forms. So in future if there any changes done in SO I just need to update the SO and my Smart forms will reflect those changes.



If I understand your question correctly, then the answer is NO.

You will need to edit your SmartForm/View and add/change the fields manually after the SmartObject has been updated.

Thanks a lot for your reply. So each time when there is change in Smartobject i have to manully update the Smartform/view.
