OK my list A is called "Busch" and looks like this:
luColours column is a lookup column allowing multiples from my list "Colours" choosing the ID as the value to store.
In my workflow on the Busch list I have the following:
First action regular expression - I pass in luColours column and look for ";" and choose to split and store the result in a collection variable called vCollSelection
Then I use for each to loop through the collection, storing each item in the collection in an ID variable called vID
Inside the loop, so for each ID in the collection, I update the colours list where ID in colours list = vID and update the column List A UID with the current item (in Busch list) ID
I assume you will want to add to the column, rather than overwrite it. so you may need an additional step. inside the for each, query list b where ID = vID and pull in the information from column List A UID into a text variable. Use a build string action to make the text variable equal to it's previous value plus the new ID from list A. And then update your List B column with the text variable.
What is the purpose of this requirement?
For List A it represents new claims. New claims will typically have an associated email. Thus in List A I have created a lookup to List B to select the associated email(s). Note multiple emails can be associated with 1 claim.
Currently for List B (the emails) we rely on the user to manually select each record and select the associated claim (via a lookup field). Each email record can only be associated with 1 claim. The issue is the users are howling that they manually need to go to List B and select the associated claim id. The requirement is once the new claim is created to back-fill List B (email records) with the Claim ID for all associated emails found in List B.