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We need to uninstall all the K2 components from multiple environments.




Is there documentation for complete uninstall of all K2 components? You may want to see documentation which allows to make sure that uninstall is performed in the right order and removal of all the components will not impact related SharePoint environments assuming you need do uninstall the wollowing:




K2 Blackpearl


K2 SmartForms


K2 for SharePoint




There are documentation for K2 Blackpearl - KB000216 How to uninstall K2 blackpearl, and Smartforms - Removing K2 smartforms but you may still want to have more guidance/details.




The above mentioned documentation contains all what K2 recommends for uninstalling blackpearl and smartforms. Nonetheless more specific details on how to uninstall the K2 for SharePoint Components may be required.



When uninstalling K2 components from your servers it is necessary to make sure that process perfromed in the reverse order to that which you followed during installationm, i.e.:




1. K2 for SharePoint


2. K2 Smartforms Control Pack


3. K2 SmartForms


4. K2 Blackpearl Core




For uninstalling K2 for SharePoint process differe based on version of SharePoint being used, i.e. whether or not you are working with SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013/Online. See details below.




SharePoint 2013 Uninstall. See the below documentation for uninstalling K2 for SharePoint 2013:




Please note that we will need to run through that uninstall wizard on each site collection that currently has the Blackpearl App integrated with it. Doing the uninstall process will eliminate all K2 artifacts from the sharepoint sites, and also remove that integration between sharepoint and the K2 Server. Also if any of our workflow processes created off of sharepoint lists/libraries are configured to start on a sharepoint item event (Using an Event Receiver) these will also be eliminated in our uninstall process.




The site collections themselves will not be harmed, it only eliminates the K2 aspect of the integration. This is what I believe we are looking for in your case.




Now this uninstall should remove our app as well, however the app itself may still exist in our app catalog. I would suggest we double check in the app catalog after running through uninstall. Here if the app still exists in the app catalog we should delete it so it no longer shows up on our sites as an app to add.




Other than that uninstalling the app should take care of removing the K2 integration. Most of the integration and utilization of K2 via sharepoint is going to come from the app, we don't put very much on the SharePoint side of things.




SharePoint 2010 Uninstall. Validation steps for uninstall in related KB ( do not reflect proper file paths at the moment, and there is an existing documentation update request for this.




Correct steps for validating an uninstall of K2 can be found below:




1. No K2 Databases are present on the SQL Server


2. The K2 blackpearl menu items are not present under Start Programs


3. No K2 components are present in Add/Remove programs (Start andgt Control Panel andgt Add/Remove Programs)


4. No SourceCode nodes are present in the machine.config file


5. No SourceCode assemblies are in the GAC (C:WindowsAssembly)


6. No K2 blackpearl folder is located under Program Files


7. No K2 For SharePoint tab in the SharePoint Central Administration Site


8. No K2WorklistWebpart.wsp located in the SharePoint Central Administration Site


9. No issues opening the SQL Server Reporting Services home page


10. Check K2 blackpearl Server service removal. If the service is still present it will be listed in the Services Console but in a stopped state.


11. Verify SharePoint solutions removal (if SharePoint was part of the solution). In order to do this, go to:




winstallation drive]Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb serverextensions14TEMPLATELAYOUTS




and check if the folders of K2 and K2BlackPearlPages are removed


12. Check IIS to ensure K2 has been completely removed and the app pools associated with K2 sites are removed.




To clarify, basically we need to be sure we look at the:


 Âinstallation drive]Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions14TEMPLATELAYOUTS




Instead of:


finstallation drive]Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions12TEMPLATELAYOUTS




And of course instead of the SharePoint 3.0 Central Admin site, it Is just the SharePoint Central Admin site where we have placed the Admin links and also the K2 configuration wizard.




After uninstalling K2 for SharePoint components we can run through the Setup manager for Smartforms then K2 Blackpearl and select the "Remove" option. After this we of course will also have to delete the K2 Database if we are not longer using it. This is not removed during the uninstalling of the current K2 Components.





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