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I've got an error "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized" very often when I load the Workspace. After I reopen the browser window and load the workspace again it works correctly.

What should I do to avoid the error?
This can be caused by any one or a combination a different configurations. Things to check:

1. If your 2003 Server and IIS resides on 2 different machines, you'll have to enable Kerberos authentication - please refer to the following Knowledge Base article -
2. Make sure your Directory Security on your K2V3, Workspace and WorkspaceService sites are all set NOT to allow Anonymous access but ONLY Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS.
3. Also make sure that the three mentioned sites all run under the same Application Pool and the identity used to execute the AppPool is either set to Network Service, Local System or preferrably a dedicated domain account.
4. Make sure all instances of Internet Explorer (IE) are version 6 or higher.
5. Make sure that 'Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart)' is checked in IE - Tools | Internet Options | Advanced.

These are only the first five things (I could quickly think of) to check but the problem could still be caused by something else.

If the problem persists, please contact your local Support Desk.
when i open workspace i met an error:
Have you gone through the troubleshooting steps recommended by David?
What was the result of each one of them?

Please elaborate a bit.

We are also getting same problem and some times we are getting below problem also

Unauthorized error while loading Workspace, OK after refresh

I have check the soultion provide but same problem
Regarding the 401 errors, if those troubleshooting steps haven't come to anything, or for new issues that arrise, the best way to diagnose the real issue is to identify the substatus code. When IIS returns a 401 error, there is a sub code that reveals the actual cause of the error (ACL's, credentials), and each of those causes has particular remedies.

There is an excellent document that will help your work through these errors...

Thanks Adam.

Also, try the following:
1. Add the K2V3 site to 'Trusted Sites'.
2. Have a look at KB article:
3. Give 'Authenticated Users' - 'Modify' permissions on 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322Temporary ASP.NET Files' and 'C:WINDOWSTemp' folders.

Hope this helps,
I have seen this happen when you have Integrated Authentication at the K2V3 level but higher up in the website structure Anonymous Access is enabled.

This does not always fix the problem though.
