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In a Trial tenant, I followed the instructions to create a token, but when I try to test the Platform API, i get a 401 Unauthorized "You couldn't be authorized" message. How can I troubleshoot?


Could be that you don't have an account to do the oauth with since it is a trial account, i'm not sure. But posting to support.

What are you trying to test? What APIs? to create a connection or extension? 

Apologies for the belated response Dean.

Once you obtain the access token from Nintex Workflow Cloud, you can browse to and select the 'Reference' menu item from the top navigation.

Browse to the API call you want to run and select the "Try it" button

Browse to the API call you want to test and select the "Try It" button.

In the Header Auth dialog - enter "Bearer <your dev access token from Nintex Workflow Cloud>".

The JSON response from your API call is displayed in the right hand column.

Hope this helps.


