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We are unable to start any K2 process.
I tried to start from K2 Workspace a very simple K2 process instance used for test. I was not able to.
We are wondering about an issue from SQL Server.


Just before restarting K2 service, we had this issue from CMSF :

"24414007","2014-12-30 10:35:27","Error","General","0","ErrorMessage","CMSF","0 The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex.","anonymous","","VMK2PR01:D:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","24414007","0110688cb411404c97da8618dd40f747",""
"24414008","2014-12-30 10:35:27","Error","General","0","ErrorMessage","CMSF","0 at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at K2Field.CMSF.ServiceObjects.ServiceObjectBase.LoadDefaultEnvironmentFields()
at K2Field.CMSF.ServiceObjects.ServiceObjectBase.get_EnvironmentFields()
at Ch.Serial.Tpg.GestE.CMSFContainerType.ERCaseContainer.CreateCaseContainer(CaseDataContext dbContext, DBCase caseInstance, ServiceObjectBase caller)","anonymous","","VMK2PR01:D:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","24414008","3dfd112e7a0742929e8d11b924a0dac6",""



After the switch from one node to another of SQL Server AlwaysOn cluster, we can start K2 processes. We also restarted K2 service and executed IISRESET on SharePoint WFE servers.

Now the application seems to work fine again. We will investigate about the causes of this issue.

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