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I have a standalone k2blackpearl server installed in my virtual machiine. I copied a vartual machine image with preinstalled k2blackpearl from a co-worker. Then i configured the VM and all the other preinstalled software. For k2, i used the k2 setup manager. I used a tempporary Licence key. The Set up process went well.

Couple of days later, I couldn't connect to workspace. I thought its time to use the Real licence key now. But, instead of changing it properly ( i didn't look up here) i ran another K2 Setup Manager and made a new configuration with the Real Licence key. Things went well.

However, I couldn't connected to the k2 workspaces. I ran k2 Configuration Analysis: It passed all the checks. I then foound that the, K2HostService didn't start. Tried to start it. It refuses to start. Error 1067 : The process terminited Unexpectedely.


However i can run the Server from the console. After running it from teh console, I saw that there are two Licence attatched under Workspace >Licence Management. One is the Real licence key i provided mentionaed as "Development Server" under Type column. Another is the Real licence key that my coworker used while he set up his stand alone version mentioned as "Software" under the Type column. Obviously this happend because i copied his virtual Machine Image.


So, my question is that is it ossible that the service is effected because of this?

even if it doesn't, how would i remove my co-worker's key from my installation instance? (the 'Remov' key is disabaled)


SErvice Error Log:


"5866587","2016-02-02 11:49:20","Error","System","1056","ServiceNotWithDeveloperLicense","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine","1056 Developer License does not allow running as a service.","system","","STO-******-VS01:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","5866587","*********************************",""

1.  Is the system keys associated with license keys the same?  


2.  I assume when selecting either of the blackpearl license key, the delete option does not become available?


If so, we may need to remove the appropriate row from the HostServer].vLicenseKey] table.  If you choose to do this, please perform a database backup before doing so.  Usually a K2 blackpearl service/console restart is necessary if removing the appropriate entry.


Additionally, usually a development type license will have the limitation that it needs to run in console mode (among others):


If you had purchased a different licence type, please reach out to your Account Manager to confirm and request a new key type if necessary.

 1. No the system keys are different. The 1st system key is from the co-worke's machine whose virtual machine i copied. That system key is shown in the Workspace as a type 'Software' Licence key. The 2nd system key is my virtual machin's. It is shown in the worlspace as a type 'Developer' Licence. But me and my co-worker actually purchaced the same type. I was re assured by the accout manager that i do not have  a 'developer' licence.

To be sure, In fact we ordered new key yesterday form k2. I received a new temp key. And Then i got the actual key. But its the same key as my current key. I believe for the same system key k2 provide the same Licencekey. 

2. True. 'Remove' is disabaled for both.

- I'll try it with the eHostServer].SLicenseKey] table and report back. Thaks. 


I tried the solution proposed but it didin't help.

After creating a completely new machine and ran into the samw problem and i finally realised that the problme was with the licence type to begin with. I had the Developer type licence and it cannot run k2 server as a service as have been clearly mentioned on the documentation. So, the problem was not created by the face that i had other records of licence key in my machine. However i 've deleated those record from teh host table.
