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Unable to Register Oracle Service Broker or create Oracle Service Instance - K2 4.6.9


I'm using K2 4.6.9. I wanted to register and create a service instance for creating a Oracle DB SmartObject.

I get a error message "SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.Oracle" could not load when I try to register the oracle service broker.


Was the ODAC also installed on the K2 Server and the Server restarted prior to attempting to register the service instance? As per:

There is a hyperlink in that documentation to the Oracle ODAC component:

Please download and install the ODAC version that matches your Oracle version and OS architecture(x64/x32). The Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) is an oracle component that allow applications oracle access. Oracle versions that are supported by K2 can be found at:

When attempting to register an oracle service instance, a TNS connect time out error occurs. Please try registering the oracle service instance with the connection string in this format:

Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( Id=k2demoPassword=k2pass

As per:

Specify the appropriate "Host", "Port", "Service_name", "UserID", and "Password" values in the connection string.

Please also see post below regarding some relevant information:

Customer was able to register and create an Oracle Smartobject successfully using the connection string above.

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