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Hello. I am executing the K2 server in console mode and am receiving the following error: Unable to load server settings. Any ideas what this means?

Thank you.
Does the K2 service start successfully? If it does, I suspect the problem may be that you are using Windows authentication on the SQL server and while the K2 service account has rights to access the K2 databases, the user account that you are running the K2 server console under does not have rights on the databases.

Try to run the K2 console as the K2 service account user - if this is successful then your problem is most likely because of rights on the databases.

Otherwise, there may be a problem with your K2 server settings - check the k2Server.config file to ensure that it is pointing to the correct databases and that is is using the correct connection settings.
Yes, it was indeed because of database rights. Thanks!

Open the file K2Server.config in the BIN directory. We just ran the upgrade for K2.NET 2003 SP3, and the upgrade replaced our K2Server.config file with a clean file (i.e. devoid of settings).

When that happened, the K2 error in the event log stated K2 server would not load because it could not load our config file.

We restored the K2 SP2a file from tape backup, and now the server service loads.

Hope this helps, Terry
