The client is unable to rollback check in, when trying to checkout the form the client gets an endless spinner.
Sent the below information to the client to help resolve their issue, however the client found a Kb article to help resolve their issue
How to use the stored proc:
- Please take a full backup prior to doing this.
- I'm using an example user and ID below. Please change as necessary.
Step 1: get the info.
--For checked out views
SELECT ID, DisplayName, CheckedOutBy
FROM Form.View_Design
WHERE CheckedOutBy = 'K2:DenallixAdministrator'
--For checked out forms
SELECT ID, DisplayName, CheckedOutBy
FROM Form.Form_Design
WHERE CheckedOutBy = 'K2:DenallixAdministrator'
Please also see the below community post below:
The issue was resolved through following the steps outlined on the below KB article: