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Error when deploying a K2D4SP's workflow with User Task (SmartForms) on a non-claim 2010 SP site.

System.Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
at System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.get_AuthenticationType()
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.ClientEvent.FormsClientEvent.IsClaimsIdentity(IIdentity identity)
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.ClientEvent.FormsClientEvent.CreateConnection(String loggedInUser)
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.ClientEvent.FormsClientEvent.get_HostServerConnection()
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.ClientEvent.FormsClientEvent.CreateDynamicClientEvent(XmlDocument xmlProcess, XmlDocument xmlInputData, XmlNode activity, Activity newActivity, Process newProcess, String UserName, DynamicEventsand _dynamicEvents, K2Field SmartObjectServer, String _smartObjectServer, String _ContextType, String _CurrentEnvironment)
at SourceCode.WebDesigner.Authoring.SharePoint.GenerateProcess.Generate(String UserName, Int32 ProcessID, String InputData, String ProcessXML, String ConnectionString) 






This should not happen, when using the SmartForms User Task in the K2D4SP on a non-claims site there is a internal call which K2 needs to get the needed windows identity to deploy. This is where it fails with an access denied. In the K2D4SP’s case the execution is done under the Deployment application Pool account. 





Issue is resolved per the following steps:
-Add the deployment Application Pool ID to the local admins group on each WFE.
-Give this account full control to the %SYSTEMROOT% emp, the C: emp folder, and the %PROGRAMFILES%K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin on each WFE.
-Login to the WFE as app pool account id to update Windows Identity credential (IIS reset is not required).
-Test workflow deployment via regular user account.

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