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Hi All,

I am trying to build a CAML query in one my k2 server events. But the string variable ignores all the spl chars.

refer to the below code. i just get the data in the data table and rest ignored.

pls advice.

sbQuery = sbQuery + @"</Value></Eq></Or>";
Hi Siva,

Hi haven't tested this yet but...

What is the value of: dsSecGrps.Tables[1].Rows[0].ToString()?

Also, what is the exact purpose of this line:
sbQuery + dsSecGrps.Tables[1].Rows[0].ToString();

Is it meant to concatenate the two values? Saving the result where?

What should your expected output look like?

Opps... its a typo. refer to the below.

sbQuery = sbQuery + @"</Value></Eq></Or>";
sbQuery = "<Query><Where>" + sbQuery;
sbQuery = sbQuery + "</Where></Query>"

dsSecGrps.Tables[1].Rows[0] contains values like Account1,Account2.

Output shd look something like

<FieldRef Name="Type" />
<Value Type="Text">Account2</Value>
<FieldRef Name="Type" />
<Value Type="Text">Account1</Value>
<FieldRef Name="Type" />
<Value Type="Text">Account3</Value>

Thanks, and what does your current output look like (using the above code)?

Current output

We've tested the code as is - it gives the expected result.

Hi Ockert,

Thanks for ur time.

I have done a simple test. Trying to assign "<Eq>FieldText" to a string variable in K2 server event.
To my surprise, the output of the string variable is FieldText instead of <Eq> FieldText

Pls try this simple code,

.Value = CAMLQuery.ToString();

//Current output: FieldText
//Expected Output: <Eq>FieldText

But when I look at Temp variable value in process instance data thru k2 workspace, it shows value as FieldText. But expected output shd be <Eq>FieldText.

Highly appreciate ur help.

Thanks in advance,
I ran this exact code:
.Value + "'");    


and got the results shown in the attached K2Server Console.
As you can see - exactly as expected.

Hi Siva,
Were are you viewing your results?
It looks to me that it is ignoring the tags, exactly like it would do in a html viewer.
Perhaps your viewing it in a mail message sent in html format??
Gert , yes u r correct. I can't see the value thru workspace.

Ockert, thanks for help. Now i could see the values thru K2Server Console.

