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Dear sirs,

Today I am getting this error on the Production environment :
"Unable to connect to k2array on port . The requested address is not valid in its context."
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.SocketClient.InternalConnect(String server, String port, Int32 timeout, Int32 ipversion)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.SocketClient.Connect(StringDictionary Data)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.Connect(StringDictionary Data)
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.Open(String Server)
at IPC_WCF.K2Service.Connect(String userName)
at IPC_WCF.K2Service.GetTasks(String userName)

This is when I am calling GetTask method which is calling Connect Method in the K2Service (WCF).

Following is the Code of Connect Method :
private Connection Connect(string userName)
var conn = new Connection()
string connectionString ="Integrated=TrueIsPrimaryLogin=TrueAuthenticate=TrueEncryptedPassword=FalseHost=" +
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("K2Server") + "Port="
+ ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ManagementServerPort") + "windowsdomain="
+ ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Domain") + "securitylabelname=K2userid="
+ ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("UserName") + "password="
+ ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Password")

ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("K2Server"), connectionString)

conn.ImpersonateUser("K2:" + userName)
return conn

Following are values of Configuration Keys in web.config :

When I try to run the code from my development machine and connecting Production Server , I am getting following error :
"Send failed with error: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."



in a session we found in the code that port 5555 is used for SourceCode.Workflow.Client connections while 5252 should be used.

as a reference please see:


The customer closed the ticket after having a session were we found in the code that port 5555 is used for SourceCode.Workflow.Client connections while 5252 should be used.

as a reference please see:

Bashar Adas

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