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Hi Experts,

When clicking on K2 Workspace, it shows me a "Unable to connect to SERVER on port 5252 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it."

When I attempt to browse anything inside the workspace site like Management or Reports and it gives me an "Invalid Packet Header Received!!!!" on most of the pages.

My K2 Workspace is running on port 8080 in IIS. I changed that to port 5252 and now it says "authentication failed".

I tried to start the K2 Server from the Programs Section it gives a Bind failed.

Things Tried already : 
1) netstat -a (nothing on port 5252)
2) No firewall ports blocked
3) re-typed the passwords for service accounts and App Pools
4) IIS Reset, changing to ASP.NET 2.0 but invain...

Experts, please save me from the Loop of errors!

Thanks & Regards,

Firstly i'd recommend you read this: (the getting started guide)

Port 5252 is the port that the K2 Host server uses, it is NOT a port that IIS should use for the K2 Workspace.

I gather from your post that the K2 Host server was not started, check Administrative Tools -> Services -> K2 blackpearl] Server to see if it's status is 'Started'. If not, you need to start this service in order to have a fully functioning K2 workspace.

Just to summarise - "Unable to connect to SERVER on port 5252 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." means that the K2 Host server is not running or is not reachable, this is not an IIS issue.

The reason a bind failed when you tried to start the K2 server, is because you assigned port 5252 to IIS. If you unassign that port the server will be able to function correctly. If you indend to start the K2 server via the start menu, have a look at this: ignore the bit about debugging, just look at the bit about running the K2 server.. this explains that you need to run it as the credentials you set up to run the blackpearl server during the installation.


Hi Martin,

Thanks for your answers and before I checked out your I figured it out myself that I had assigned a port 5555 to one of the Report Servers so something was getting conflicked!

Its been resolved and K2 workspace is working fine now! Thanks much!

Girish J Bhatia
