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You are unable to check-in some smatform(s) via K2 Designer after an unsuccessful deployment. Smartform(s) has dependency on SQL Server based SmO. You neither can check-in nor delete affected form(s) via K2 designer.



Possible cause here maybe missing dependencies on a parent Service Instance level. For example you may check host server logs and notice that on unsuccessful attempt to check in this form the following error is being logged:

"Error","DependancyService","12005","DependancyServiceGeneralError","SourceCode.Dependancy.Interfaces.IDependancyService eCreateDependancy]","12005 General error: System.Exception: Dependency could not be created. Parent does not exist in this environment. Check Data property of exception.
at SourceCode.Hosting.Services.DependancyService.VerifyObjects(List`1 parents)

Based on this error message and preceding events (failed deployment) it is possible to conclude that issue is caused by the fact that parent Service Instance for affected forms, or views/SmOs placed on them is out of sync SQL service instance between environments which causes "Dependency could not be created. Parent does not exist in this environment" error.


Verify parent service instance and make sure that they are entirely concur between environments.
For example for specific error message mentioned above it was possible to resolve this issue after SQL database Service Instance was refreshed once again, making sure all tables are in place, via SmartObject Service Tester and re-run of the deployment of the problematic package once again. This time it is possible to ignore the warnings that both forms where checked out and complete deployment. The deployment was successful and in the Designer both forms were checked in after this.

You have 2 days to accept or reject this resolution. If you feel the issue is not resolved, please reject this resolution. Otherwise, please take the opportunity to submit feedback, using the link included in this message.

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