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After linking up a picker control with an AAD user SMO and performing a search the control would return nothing. Doing an empty search (which should return everything within the data source that the SMO is linked to would only return 100 objects despite the data source containing 500 plus


The reason the search of a specific user would return nothing was due to usage of an improper identifier that was not associated with the Get List Method of the SMO but rather the Get Direct Reports method of the same SMO. As for why an empty search only returns the first 100 objects this is an issue that is currently being investigated and has been logged with labs.



Even with a proper identifier we are still throttled by the fact that the SMO will only search the first 100 objects of the data source in order to search the entirety we need to use a different SMO, UMUser.

1)Using management pages register a URM Service register an SMO.
2)Use this SMO in the lookup control and note it needs input value for Label. Use AAD as the label
3)In the control properties there is a “Result Limit” This can be used to specify the getlist result limit. If this is large it will impact performance of the control
4)On the DataSouce filter properties for the control, try and keep the fields to a minimum, the more fields the worst the performance will be.

This SMO will do what the AAD User SMO does not, it will search all of AAD for a user and not limit itself to the first 100 objects.

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