I have a form with a repeating section with two check boxes. Each checkbox has it's own set of validation rules, however, these rules seem to conflict with each other and now one will cancel the other.
I have a 'Cancel Limit' check box that when checked, should make certain fields NOT required or equal '0.' The other checkbox is 'Safe Settle,' in which if the box is checked some of the same fields from the above rule would be required, or need to be greater than '0.'
This screen shot shows that if the Cancel Limit box is checked, the fields crossed out are not required or could = 0 (which is the default value). The rule I have in there now is: CancelLimit==true && not({Self}==0)
However, the Cancel Limit box CANNOT be checked if the Safe Settle box is checked, so it's only one or the other.
If the Safe Settle box is checked, then the following fields are required, and should be greater than '0.' (I tried to attach the image here in the post but ended up having to attach it because it wouldn't paste). Anyway, the rule I have for the Safe Settle is: If(SafeSettle==true, {Self}!="", isNullOrEmpty({Self})) || If(SafeSettle==false, {Self}=="", isNullOrEmpty({Self}))
Something is up with these because as I said, one cancels out the other.
Any thoughts on how I can fix this issue?