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Hi all,


On my k2 studio workflow, i have the Start at the top with 2x lines.


A) On the line wizard i say if "Needs a Manager" approval, then go do offline Approval (Manager Approval) 1 then I want it to do Approval 2 (Director Approval) straight after


B) If on the line wizard i say "If does not need Manager" approval, then it should just go to Approval 2 (Director Approval) without needing Approval 1. This process works fine.


I have built this in my workflow. but when i do task A) it does not continue onto do Approval 2, it does nothing after Approval 1 has been approved/declined)

I have a line go from Approval 1 Approved Outcome to the input of Approval 2...


Any ideas how i can achieve this.....

Hi Sharpharp1


In theory this should work as expected, however it will depend on how you have configured your activity and line,


Are you able to post a copy of your workflow, or if not then screen shots of the following:

  1. The Line Rule for the line going from Approval 1 to Approval 2
  2. The Outcome succeeding rules for Approval 1 (and the Edit screen for each outcome)
  3. The Destination Rule for Approval 1

You may need to check that Approve outcome is set so that it will become true after 1 person approves. For example if you have created multiple slots for Approval 1, and set the Approval outcome rule to "All Slots of Action Result = Approve" then the activity wont complete until all slots are actioned.


Hi Andrew,


The Line Rule for the line going from Approval 1 to Approval 2 is............ Outcome = Approved


The Outcome succeeding rules for Approval 1 (and the Edit screen for each outcome)...............



I suspect its maybe the way i back the destination rules, as I have no idea how they work....


What i can explain is this:


1) When Approval 1 is needed, the destination goes to the Authorsiers (Managers) for approval. I only need one of those authorsiers to respond (i.e. the first responder) to approve it. Then i want it to go onto Approval 2 activity, which goes to the (Directors) Authorisers for approval. The directors group would be 1 or 2 directors.


At the moment after the first Approval 1 is complete it doesn't go to Approval 2....


Hope that makes sense.


Hi Sharpharp1


Thanks for that info. Can I ask when you assign the destination for Approval 1, are you using a group or role? If so what might be happening is that a slot is being created for each user in that group/role, and when the first person approves the workflow is still waiting for the other slots to be actioned. You can see that there is an option to create a slot for each role and group.


When you say the workflow does not go to Approval 2, does the workflow complete or is it still sitting active at Approval 1?


Have a look at the ViewFlow for one of the workflow instances, and check the participants tab for Activity 1 to see how many participants are listed.



Got it working...


Changed to All at once and resolve all roles and groups to users


Thanks for your help :-)
