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Tree Control Id value


I have configured the tree control to have the value of 'Id' and to display the 'Type' please see image 'SMOConfig.png'

When i return the tree value into a message its returning the Id with ',SMO_Tree'.
Please see attachment treeId.png to see return value. Also please note running this SmO in the tester is correctly returning just the Id.
For example, if Id '3' is selected the return property is showing as '3,SMO_Tree', can you please explain why its not just '3'.

I have a workaround which includes an expression removing ',SMO_Tree' and replacing it with and empty string, so this leave just the value.

Look forward to your response.


We were able to reproduce this issue, there after it was sent to our labs team for investigation in which they let us know that this is as per design, thus the results you are seeing in the message box (3,LAB_SMO etc) is expected.

the workaround that I provide you with during our last meeting is in fact not a workaround but instead it is best practice (in other words you need to use 'Value' which is located under Data Source).
The 'Value' contains the value of the property which is based on the setup on the configuration of the data source.

The tree control and smo id does not return an id value as one would expect, not just because you have to use the data source value to return the id value but because the control and smo id had the data source's name connected to the back of the id for the purposes of being able to identify which smart objects are connected to which tree controls.


KB refers to screenshot which is not attached here.
